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Understand the Universe and Create Peace

Understand the Universe and Create Peace

Before you leap into the arms of AI and sell your soul to uniting with a machine, and becoming vulnerable to total control of someone else's computer programming, take a walk into the visionary future with this brilliant and peaceful man, Mehran Keshe, founder of the Keshe Foundation. This Iranian born man may be the best kept secret that could have a major impact in preventing humanity from annihilating ourselves. He was introduced to the world of radiation and nuclear science at a very young age, and in 1981 he graduated from Queen Mary College, University of London, as a nuclear engineer specializing in reactor technology systems. He had a unique interest in studying the structure of the universe which was his inspiration for this advanced technology. He says that nowhere in the natural universe do you see any engines or motors, and he intended that the technology he developed would only be used for peaceful purposes. After a successful career as a scientist and businessman in Great Britain and Belgium, he found his dreams of peaceful use of his technologies was threatened, as well as the lives of himself and his family. With full intellectual rights to his technologies he left Belgium and burst onto the world scene in 2013 through public workshops, where he began to educate the common person on the street about plasma science through open source.

The Keshe Foundation has now completed 204 public teachings available at Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute in English as well as several other languages. Most of the public teachings have also been transcribed into pdf downloadable files so that they can be easily printed and read without committing to the amount of time necessary to watch the full videos, many of which are quite lengthy being over three hours in length. The workshop presentations are viewer interactive, and through this open source format, people from around the world have been experimenting and learning about plasma science and how it can affect every aspect of our lives.

There are many videos and learning options, i.e., Agriculture/Gardening Workshops, Blueprint/Peace Workshops, Health Teaching Workshops for Health Professionals, Keshe Plasma Reactor Group, and Understanding Plasma.

Keshe technologies include applications for power and energy, health and wellness, transportation, food and agriculture, environmental solutions, space and intergalactic travel, family and relationships, emotions and soul. It may be surprising to see "emotions and soul" in the list of applications; however, Keshe technologies are integrated with full knowledge and usage of the psychology of human emotions which are the keys to peaceful plasma solutions. Our collective and individual choices, originating from our emotional states, have driven the world to the brink of destruction, and we must "correct the wrongdoing of humanity". "Elevate your soul and the souls of the people around you." he says. Mr. Keshe often states, "We are here to serve and not to be served."

He says that there are four states of matter: 1) Solids, 2) Liquids, 3) Gases, and 4) NOT plasma, but ganses (GAs in Nano-state of Solid). He says that plasma is a separate entity, and that matter is the weakest strength of magnetic fields that we can have. He was inspired to develop technology that is independent of matter.

After the basic concepts of nano layering and creating gans from simple materials such as a piece of copper, a piece of zinc, some copper wire, distilled water, and caustic solution was shown, Mr. Keshe began describing in more detail the basic elements and demonstrating field strengths and relationships, including the effects and contribution of human emotions. People all over the world began experimenting using these simple materials along with the instructions. They have been using the knowledge to make their own unique creations for many different uses. Examples are: Liquid Plasma Feeding, Heather Bryant's creations, Cary Kirastar Ellis, Gardeners and Growers Workshop, and Tom Salas Hurricane Relief and Survival.

Individuals who are learning this technology are encouraged to experience making and using their own creations using simple inexpensive materials that they can often find around their home or easily purchase. There are also several products available for health and wellness uses, kits for making gans, experimental equipment, and Magrav starter products that can be purchased.

The Keshe Foundation is rapidly expanding and currently there are manufacturing facilities in the United States, China, Italy, Ghana, and Austria with many more soon to open. A Magravs-Power Car System which can provide gas mileage improvement on standard gasoline engines, and the Magravs-Power Plasma Generator that can power multiple appliances with no support from the main power grid of the house are available for purchase.

In addition, three books by Mehran Keshe, "The Universal Order of Creation of Matters", "The Structure of the Light", and "The Origin of the Universe" are available at the Keshe Foundation as well as other documents.

A free plasma wiki site is also available online for the knowledge seeker.

People who are interested in teaching and have a solid understanding and background in learning these technologies are being certified as instructors and are teaching local workshops around the world.

Along with all the other videos available, a series of 22 Kids Knowledge Seekers Workshops were created between October 2014 and October 2015. These are excellent starting videos for all ages to learn about balance and positioning basics of plasma and gravitational/magnetic fields. In the first of the Kids Workshops, Mr. Keshe explains, "In a very easy way, what it is, we want you to understand this simple thing: "In the world, magnets, in the way your body, cells of your body are made, are not flat. They are always in the shape of a ball." Using simple magnetic balls, Mr. Keshe encourages kids to play games, and experiment with magnetic and gravitational fields and plasma.

"That's why we try to explain from the first session about plasma. Plasma is a huge ball of magnetic fields, with a source, the time which takes it from the source to come to be manifest to us as a matter, and when it's on the shell, totality with all the fields in the centre, we call it plasma... And, you can change it, you can play with it, you can understand it, in a very simple way, because, even when it's plasma it's soft, it's not hard."

He says, "So, the cornerstone of creation is plasma and not magnetic fields. Magnetic fields come out of plasmas and join other plasmas."

"The people of the Earth are ready for Peace. We need to make the World Leaders understand that we accept Peace and they are obliged to accept Peace as the leaders of the People. The Earth Council, Universal Council and Core Team have prepared a letter to send to the World Leaders." Mehran Keshe

Recently a comprehensive constitution that shares the intentions and commitments of the Keshe Foundation Earth Council has been drafted and can be found on the Keshe Foundation website.

I will end this article with a quote from Mark House, that he posted on Mark House Facebook recently: "If you understand the potential of these exponential technologies to transform everything from energy to education, you have a different perspective on how we can solve the grand challenges of humanity."

"Goodbye linear thinking, hello abundance". "We're living in a world where a couple of guys or gals in a garage can touch a billion people -- and it's never been like that before."

"Your brain is programmed to be linear. But in these next few decades the rate of change is growing so fast that almost everything we can conceive can happen. Every industry is potentially disruptible in the near future. And if you're not excited or scared, you're asleep at the wheel."

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