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Showing posts from February, 2019

Everything Is Energy And That Is All There Is To It

Everything Is Energy And That Is All There Is To It Albert Einstein - "Everything is energy and that's all there is. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics." It's now common knowledge, that everything in your world is proven to scientifically be made of energy. You see it everywhere. People talking about the power of a positive mind, the life-changing effects of energy medicine, and the very well know, law of attraction. Alignment, balance, and harmony have become keywords in living a balanced life. What does it all mean? Philosophers, scientists, and great minds of all times have tried to explain this phenomenon, without ever being able to prove its veracity. But, they all knew one thing. That everything responds to an energetic vibration and that the only way to achieve positive change is through the unavoidable transformation of your personal and collectiv

The Simulation Hypothesis: Even More Evidence From Physics

The Simulation Hypothesis: Even More Evidence From Physics If physics is inconsistent it's more likely we're in a computer simulation. If physics is internally self-consistent then it's more likely we're in a really real reality. Alas, we have contradictions / inconsistencies in physics - relativity vs. quantum mechanics for example. Therefore, you probably exist in a simulation and physics can provide the evidence. So, here's my follow-up collection of evidence from physics. The Simulation Hypothesis and Information "What is real?" - Information! "How do you define real?" - Information! Some people suggest that the Simulation Hypothesis is nonsense because it's akin to suggesting that there's actually tiny people inside your TV set or there is a little being present inside your mind that's observing, processing and directing the action. My counter is that it's not the forms that exist in a simulation that hold sway, rather what i

Understand the Universe and Create Peace

Understand the Universe and Create Peace Before you leap into the arms of AI and sell your soul to uniting with a machine, and becoming vulnerable to total control of someone else's computer programming, take a walk into the visionary future with this brilliant and peaceful man, Mehran Keshe, founder of the Keshe Foundation. This Iranian born man may be the best kept secret that could have a major impact in preventing humanity from annihilating ourselves. He was introduced to the world of radiation and nuclear science at a very young age, and in 1981 he graduated from Queen Mary College, University of London, as a nuclear engineer specializing in reactor technology systems. He had a unique interest in studying the structure of the universe which was his inspiration for this advanced technology. He says that nowhere in the natural universe do you see any engines or motors, and he intended that the technology he developed would only be used for peaceful purposes. After a successful c